Whereas Clair-Maltby is the last major undeveloped greenfield area in the City of Guelph and according to City staff is expected to accommodate between 16,000 and 25,000 new residents in the next 20 years.
Whereas real estate prices are dictating that residents in Clair-Maltby will likely live in smaller homes (e.g. in December 2019, the average single detached home ownership costs in Canada represented over 54% of median household incomes).
Whereas we are currently facing a pandemic that is highlighting the importance of quality recreational spaces for passive recreational use by Guelph residents requiring exercise while practicing social distancing.
Whereas residents deserve a quality Community Park in Clair-Maltby with a location that:
- Is the only site with direct sight-lines to Hall's Pond, the second-largest wetland complex in the City of Guelph and the only one featuring open water;
- Is the only site currently in Clair-Maltby being used for recreational purposes and includes important features such as mature trees (some over 200 years old) that can be integrated in a new park and will provide residents with a strong sense of place; and
- Is the only site shortlisted that will include the active transportation corridor proposed to link Clair road and Maltby road.
Whereas on March 2nd, 2020 - the Committee of the Whole of Guelph City Council approved by 7-4 that the 10-hectare Community Park for Clair Maltby be located predominantly on Springfield Golf Course.
Whereas in the coming weeks, Guelph City Council is expected to make a final vote on the location of the Community Park for Clair-Maltby - I ask my elected representatives to make the best decisions to benefit current and future generations of Guelph residents.
Therefore I urge Guelph City Council to:
- confirm the decision to locate the 10-hectare Community Park for Clair Maltby predominantly on Springfield Golf Course and
- work with the Marcolongo Family to establish a Memorandum of Understand (MOU) for the donation of the majority of the Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL) that will be connected to the Springfield golf course to be used for passive recreational uses in perpetuity by Guelph residents.
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