Friend --
This holiday season we’re grateful for clean water. When our rivers and lakes freeze this winter, we know we can look forward to the summer when they run freely again. We want to make sure companies don’t take away this freedom. This common resource is at risk of being commercialized and sold – locally, nationally, and internationally.
This season make your holiday gift the most important of all – community access to clean water. Your support will ensure that we (and our close partners like continue to defend water in our community. Right now – with corporate interests eyeing our aquifers – we need your help more than ever.

- Conduct independent technical studies
- Contract legal expertise
- Sound the alarm around communities when water is threatened
Your gift will ensure we can continue to defend our aquifer diligently and effectively. We’ve accomplished a lot so far – but the fight against water bottling, contamination from gravel extraction and other activities is only just starting.
Please give generously now so that together we can prepare ourselves for the upcoming challenge.
Make us stronger. Make us more powerful. And let’s defend our waters together.

Citizens Rights under the Environmental Bill of Rights - December 1, 2015
Ellen Schwartzel (Deputy Environmental Commissioner of Ontario) Tuesday December 1, 7:00 -9:00 pm Wellington County Museum, Fergus. Ms. Schwartzel has just released her annual environmental report for the province of Ontario, Small Things Matter, in which she focuses on the need to fix the flawed Permit to Take Water process and how the province virtually gives away its water to large commercial enterprises. Read more...
Water is Life, Coalition Invitation - December 1, 2015
 Round Dance, Potluck Feast, Songs, Learning and Prayers Tuesday December 1, 4:00 - 6:30 pm At the KIPP Oven in Bissell Park, Elora
The Water Is Life Coalition for Water Justice Group wants to unify grassroots voices in water protection and gratitude. This is a family friendly event so bring the kids but please leave your dogs at home. Bring lawn chairs, cups, bowls, plates and cutlery and join in the Potluck dinner. We ask that waste, garbage and plastic be minimal. Read more....
Nature Along Our Banks
(photo credit: Carl Griffin)
Many of our birds have migrated away but some have arrived. A spectacular bird has been observed in Guelph over the past few weeks – a Peregrine Falcon. Look for it around the new condo towers in downtown Guelph.
Take a walk anytime of the year and you will find something of interest along our rivers. Send us your riverside nature sightings.
For more wonderful river scenes recently captured by Carl Griffin visit his flickr site.
Protect the Speed River Valleylands and "Say NO!" to the proposed Niska Road Bridge expansion.
On December 3 City Council is holding a special meeting to decide the fate of the Niska Road Bridge which is within the proposed Nature Reserve. Let's pack Council Chambers to show our support in preserving the existing Nature Reserve on this stretch of the Speed River! Thursday Dec. 3 from 6 to 9 pm.
You can make a delegation. Registration for delegations on the agenda deadline is 9 am on November 27, 2015. If you cannot attend on Dec 3, you can send written comments prior to the Nov 27 deadline.
Please contact the City Clerks Department to register as a delegate, submit written materials or powerpoint presentations. Send to: [email protected]
How Many Geese Can Fit Into a Riverside Park?
Feeding wildlife in our parks is a part of the current Animal Control Bylaw review. You can make your comments online from Nov 27 to Dec 31. See
Join the 2 Rivers Festival Working Group
We have so much to celebrate with our rivers and you can join the group that makes the 2Rivers Festival happen. This group meets 6 to 8 times a year to bring this event together and make it a success. Check out last year's 2Rivers Festival to see what it's all about. You can join us at our next meeting December 16 at 10 Carden Street in Guelph. Contact Arlene at [email protected]
Upcoming River-Related Events –You Are Welcome to Join!
Eramsoa-OR Side Trial Loop - December 6, 2015 at 10 a.m. Guelph Trail Hiking Club
Winter Solstice Riverside Park Sparkles Hike - December 21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Guelph Trail Hiking Club
Following your weekend Christmas shopping, come join in a stroll through the lighted seasonal displays with a short hike on nearby trails and hot chocolate following. Meet at the northwest corner of the Evergreen Senior's parking lot for a 6:30pm start. (2hrs / Level 1. Speed Casual)
Sincerely, The Wellington Water Watchers’ Board of Directors