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Wellington Water Watchers 2015 Annual General Meeting

Why Engagement Organizing is the way-to-go to Safeguard our Source Water
Guest Speaker TBD
Whether you are an existing member, a volunteer or a concerned citizen of our watershed we welcome you to this year’s Annual General Meeting. Enjoy refreshments, hear an update about our organization and have an opportunity to have your voice heard on matters moving forward.
Please RSVP below.
The Wellington Water Watchers (WWW) is searching for interested volunteers to fill vacancies on our Board for a three (3) year term. We are currently seeking applicants for one (1) position of Member-at-large.
If you feel called to join our team please let us know by sending and email or inquiries to [email protected].
Stay tuned for further details – coming soon!
The Wellington Water Watchers’ Board of Directors
Paul Costello rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-17 14:08:16 -0500
Wendy Logan rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-17 11:26:25 -0500
Emile Compion rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-16 19:37:33 -0500
Evan Ferrari rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-16 12:49:19 -0500
Join me at the Wellington Water Watchers 2015 Annual General Meeting
Patti Maurice rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-13 18:34:57 -0500
Arlene Slocombe rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-13 15:42:25 -0500
Elizabeth Quintanar rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-12 10:37:14 -0500
Patrick Cieslar rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-12 07:38:47 -0500
Doreen Roussy rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-11 11:53:10 -0500
Martha Nandorfy rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-11 10:10:25 -0500
Mary Vander Woude rsvped +1 for
2015 AGM
2015-11-11 04:54:36 -0500
Jocelyn Kelly rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-10 20:48:27 -0500
Kimberley Richards rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-05 19:16:18 -0500
Karen Rathwell rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-03 08:22:20 -0500
Jan Beveridge rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-11-02 21:18:45 -0500
Rob Case rsvped +1 for
2015 AGM
2015-11-02 10:04:56 -0500
Mike Nagy rsvped +1 for
2015 AGM
2015-11-02 09:40:53 -0500
Libby Carlaw rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-10-30 02:44:48 -0400
kim gutt rsvped for
2015 AGM
2015-10-18 20:31:15 -0400
kathryn Ross rsvped +1 for
2015 AGM
2015-10-09 22:50:18 -0400
Join me at the Wellington Water Watchers 2015 Annual General Meeting
Wellington Water Watchers 2015 Annual General Meeting